donutspart one


I see you. I know who you are.

You’re that one who has been thinking about visiting but you just can’t seem to break down and do it. You pull in the drive way and you almost stop, but instead you spin around and hit the road again.

It’s time to park the car and come in. What’s the holdup?


Is that the problem? You think we’re a cult? Let me tell you something: A cult is secretive, a cult recruits members, a cult has leaders in the shadows, a cult is selective about who may join. The Christians who meet at this location are not a cult. We do not belong to a cult.

Our actions are not secretive (they’re on the internet for crying out loud). We’ve written countless fliers and newsletters, mailing them to every mailbox in our area (over 3,000).

We do not recruit members. We don’t scout out who would be a “good fit” to worship with us. We don’t recruit, we “invite.” We follow the command of Jesus who told His disciples to go and invite others to become disciples. Those disciples then went out and invited others, who invited others, who invited others…

Our Leader does not hide in the shadows, He sits on the Throne of God (Hebrews 8:1). We follow no man but Jesus. We adhere to no guidebook but the Bible. We recite no pledge but whatever scriptures we know by heart.

We certainly are not selective about who can “join.” How can we be? No one “joins” the church of Jesus Christ. A soul that obeys Christ is added by Christ to His church (Acts 2:41). And when I say “His church” I don’t mean “the building where the 100 or so of us meet every week.” I mean “church” as in “the spiritual body of saved people” (Acts 2:47). Some of those saved people worship here in Guy and we are not selective about who we want to be a part of the Christian family. We want everyone to be a part!

The Lord’s body of saved people are not a cult. We are His church. We are His Christians, bought with His blood.

Are you?

If you are not open your Bible and read how you can be.

 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which He hath purchased with His own blood.

Acts 20:28

So stop doing those mental donuts in our parking lot. Instead, come worship with us Sunday or join us for Bible study on Wednesday evening. Let us study with you and you study with us. Together we will know the truth and draw closer to God.

Have a great day!