Today is my last day as the preacher for the church of Christ in Guy, Arkansas. In all my time (seven years) I’ve never regretted the decision to be the preacher here. The people have been so good to our family, through ups and downs, periods of great growth and times when we slowed down; no matter what, the love never waned and the belief that God was working in this town through this congregation remained in tact.
God is still working in this town through this congregation and I look forward to seeing the good work that Josh Herndon will do here.
If I wanted I could write another five thousand words about my time here and my love for the people here. I’ve probably said all five thousand of them over the past few weeks though, so let’s not be redundant. Just know that I love you and pray that God continues to bless you all. As I’ve said many times over the past few weeks, I’m not saying goodbye because I’ll see you around. And on the off chance that we never meet again this side of Heaven…well I’ll see you there!
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