
Our 6am flight out of San Francisco was delayed 30 minutes. Had we known that we wouldn’t have panicked so much the night before.

You see, our original plans included a rental car that we would use to drive to San Jose and then back to San Francisco on the morning of our flight. Instead we skipped the car (to save money) and took a train to San Jose.  We assumed we could just catch an early train back.


The train’s earliest trip was too late in the morning for us to make our flight. So we took a shuttle there and RAN to the terminal, only to find we were 30 minutes early. We sighed a relief until we remembered that would put us on the ground in Texas just as our connecting flight was boarding.


So we landed in Texas and RAN as fast as our tired legs could take us, only JUST making it.

As we flew over a beautiful blanket of clouds I thought about how many people would RUN to the gates of Heaven if they knew their time was running out. How many would drop every sinful activity if they KNEW when the deadline was and that it was fast approaching. But we aren’t given a departure time for when we will leave this world. That’s why we need to be ever faithful and always ready.

Because there’s nothing worse than missing out on going Home.