If I am willing to grind and slave away at my job in order to have a nice retirement someday…or if I am willing to work two jobs to pay for that expensive car I want, or that big house I want, or that new TV I want…then what does that say when I see the collection plate coming on Sunday but I say “I just don’t have it to spare!”

I think we sometimes think that, because God doesn’t need our money, that God doesn’t want our money.

Actually that’s looking at it all wrong. God doesn’t want our money, that’s true: God wants our heart. And if He had our heart, our giving would naturally increase. All the money we keep finding to spend on ourselves, would suddenly become available to be given as an offering to God.

What’s God want with my money, anyway?

Well what did He want with an animal sacrifice in the Old Testament? You think God really wanted a lamb? What’s he going to do with a burned cow?

No: God has always wanted our hearts, and the way we give Him our hearts is by giving Him our treasure (Matthew 6:21).

you can serve the Lord in His kingdom, because you want to be prepared for Heaven