I was in the band.

Don’t laugh, I’m not ashamed. I was a good-to-sometimes very good trombone player (and some Baritone and Sousaphone) and one of many (about 20) members of the Wonderview High School Band.

Quit laughing and let me get to my point.

Wonderview is a small school;  too small for football in fact, though we had a tradition-rich basketball program.  As such, most of the sports-related stories I heard growing up involved basketball players, basketball games, basketball coaches and even basketball strategy. Once again, I was in the band, so my knowledge of the innerworkings of the game might be somewhat limited. Still, we press on with the devo:

One particular strategy for winning a game of “orange-shoot-a-ball” involved how to maintain a peak level of stamina. We’re talking high school athletes here, so a typical game would run a grueling 32 minutes. That’s a lot of  “basket-hooping” for your average 16 year old (so I’ve heard..). The secret to keeping the kids in tip-top shape when the grind of the game starts to get to them is to feed them candy.

You read that right: candy.

As it turns out some coaches in the ye olden days would cut up a snickers bar and feed it to the “shooters and passers.” The sugar rush would fuel them for that final 16 minute stretch and propel them to victory (and to cavities).  It’s a clever idea, no? But how can we apply it to the spiritual realm?


When the marathon of life starts to drag you down, and the drain of life’s problems start to feel like weights around your ankles, simply unwrap a bite of the bread of life. The stresses and worries of the world can–if we let them–consume us and pull us away from the Master. If we’re not careful we will find ourselves drained of spiritual energy and lying collapsed on the ground. We need a recharge; we need something to give us pep in our step so that we can hop over every pitfall, and dodge every obstacle.

Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

Psalm 119:11

Turn to the Word of God and use it for a daily intake of fuel. The more you study it the more you will find it useful for every problem you may encounter. And when that challenge arises, you will be equipped with what you need to overcome it.

Hungry? Grab a Scripture, because you’re not the “you” God knows you can be when you’re hungry.

Have a great day!