Lucy is enceinteBelieve it or not, once upon a time you could not say “pregnant” on television. In fact my mother still won’t say the word (she’s so pure).

So, when the single most popular television act of the 50’s comes to be with child, what do the I Love Lucy writers do? They go with it. They work it into the show. Only they wouldn’t dare say “pregnant” even though the woman in question–on TV at least–was happily married to a faithful little Cuban man. What was so scandalous? Nothing, but the perception was too risque to bother with. So instead of “pregnant” they said “with child” or “expecting” or, most famously in a tear-inducing song, they would say “we’re having a baby.” How charming.

Then came the day when you could say “pregnant” on TV. Then came the day when you could get pregnant outside of marriage. Then came the “Friends” season where Rachel got pregnant and scoffed at the idea of marriage. Then came the great debate on “Downton Abbey” concerning whether or not Edith would keep her child or abort (spoiler: she gave it up for adoption).

On the horizon, no doubt, is the episode of whatever show is soon to air that will feature an abortion as casually-occurring as a hair appointment. At least that would be accurate to modern-America.  Already the Disney Channel has TV shows with lesbian parents. We’re not even 20 years removed (only half a generation) from Ellen coming out of the closet on her ABC show and the scandal and uproar that caused. Sin is not just a slippery slope you carefully slide down; it’s a pit you fall into like a rock.

So if you’re sick of it all, listen: You don’t have to watch television. And if you think you do, it’s a safe bet that you are addicted to it. An idol doesn’t have to be carved from wood and dipped in gold.

Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:

Colossians 3:5

If you can’t watch anything nice, don’t watch anything at all. If you miss the simpler programs of days gone by fire up the Netflix and enjoy. Other than ESPN and Food Network, our satellite is almost unused.* If you are sad to see the morality of Hollywood sink lower and lower, simply turn it off. Pick up a good book (or maybe the Good Book) or watch a good movie. You’ll be glad you did.

Just don’t shut off your internet; isn’t going to visit itself.

Have a great day.



*We will occasionally have COPS on as background noise. Just to scare the kids.