Golden-RuleDo you drive in the left lane on the interstate even though you’re not passing someone? Please leave the country.

Honestly people it’s called the “passing” lane. If you ain’t passing you’re doing it wrong.

A word of warning: This is not your mama’s devo about the Golden Rule. Most often, such discussions on this subject are taken from the positive point of view. They talk about various ways we can fulfill the Lord’s beautiful and simple command. Really, it is Christianity in a nutshell and though we should never hold up one verse or text over another this statement by the Lord–in the middle of His sermon on the mount–could easily be dubbed “the credo of Christianity.”

  Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

Matthew 7:12

But like I said, this isn’t your typical Golden Rule devo. I, instead, want to focus on those people who don’t do it, and the pain they cause.

Those people who lie to get ahead because they feel entitled to greater success. They need the Golden Rule.

Those people who put others down because it makes them feel more important. They need the Golden Rule.

Those people who turn petty disagreements into bitter feuds. They need the Golden Rule.

Those people who refuse to serve because “What’s in it for me?” They need the Golden Rule.

And the list goes on.

The point is we live in a world of mostly self-serving people, who are taught by a selfish society that survival of the fittest is the law to live by. As God’s people we have to lead by example. We have to give and give and give and expect nothing in return because often the world to which we give will not even think to offer. We’ve got to start living by the Golden Rule. If for no other reason that the preservation of our sanity (much less our soul).

At best the world teaches “Whatever good men do to you do also to them.” But what kind of leadership is that? At worst the world teaches “Whatever men do to you do to them” but that is a cold and cynical worldview to live by.

Jesus says “However you WANT people to treat you, treat them like that.” Even if they give you no honor or praise or respect or love or compassion or help or friendship, you give it to them regardless. It’s the kind of life that will either win a soft heart over to you or drive a hard heart away; either way the problem will be removed!

Whatever happened to the Golden Rule? What have we done to it? Nothing. It’s still there, nestled in between Matthew 7:11 and Matthew 7:13. What have we done WITH it is the question. How would you answer it?

Think about it.

Have a great day!