Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.
And in that day shall ye say, Praise the LORD, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted.
Sing unto the Lord; for he hath done excellent things: this is known in all the earth.

Isaiah 12:3-5

Why do some Christians walk around like they were weaned on a pickle? Shouldn’t they be happy to belong to God? What should be our attitudes as the saved of God?  In Isaiah 12, the prophet says we should be happily telling the Lost about God. How? He says…

Sing unto the Lord.

We need to be telling the Lost to become Christians so that they can give Him honor and praise in worship for His salvation. Don’t just be happy that you’re saved, let your joy be expressed the way God wants it to be: in worship to Him. He is a Divine Being and His Character demands worship be given to Him. He made us for that purpose: Sin may have kept us away from offering worship the way we should, but now that we are redeemed in God we should want to do what we were made for!

Sing out that He has done excellent things! keep in mind that in Isaiah’s day, the idea of a removal of sins was unheard of. People had their sins “atoned” by the annual sin offering, but that merely re-subscribed the nation to the subscription of God’s “not-punishing them” for their sins. There was no “finality” to such offerings: They needed something permanent, and it would come in the form of Christ. What Isaiah is singing about here is not just a wonderful thing; to the Jewish readers of his day he’s talking about something radical and revolutionary. Such “excellent” salvation is available and should be made known in all the earth.

No need to look sad. No need to frown. You’re a Christian! Rejoice and tell the world about Him.

Praise His name! Tell the lost to call on His name too. Tell the lost to join you in declaring the greatness of God. Tell the lost to exalt the Lord, and then sing and shout because He is worthy!