The thing about a piano is how every key performs the same grand function (to strike a note) yet because each is placed just a little to the right of the previous, it performs a different function (striking a different note).

Strike the A-key and you’ll get one distinct sound. Move over a couple spots and strike the C-key; though the two look identical, the sound made from the C is distinct from the sound made from A. Individually they are one-note keys, only able to perform one specific task.

Strike them both–A and C–together, however and something new emerges: Harmony.

That’s what the church needs more of: Harmony.

Too often my brethren fight with each other, squabbling over opinions and petty disagreements. The way “I” would do something must be better than the way “you” would do something, and so on. Nonsense like that is not only killing us on the outside, by affecting our ability to grow and reach the lost with the Gospel, it’s killing us on the inside, by affecting our ability to grow together and help each other mature as children of God.

A little less discord and a little more cooperation might be in order. A little less “banging one note over and over” (your opinions) and a little more harmony might make everything better.

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

Philippians 2:3


Think about it,
Have a great day!