happysad “How ya doin?”

Three little words is all it takes sometimes to turn a quiet, contemplative moment into three hours of venting frustration and shouting to the rooftops about this problem or that.

We all have problems, and usually they are person-specific. As Christians we have the benefit of belonging to a support group that helps us work through our issues and grow as children of God.

Let’s spend this week looking at the simple question “How ya doin?”

Maybe you’re not feeling very useful right now. Maybe you feel all alone. Maybe you feel like every day is bad and there’s no end to the struggles in sight. Maybe you feel abandoned by God or maybe you just feel like running away.

Feelings like that happen to us all. There’s little we can do to avoid having those negative thoughts pop in our brain. What we can do is keep the right state of mind, have a little perspective and a healthy dose of trusting in God and we can limit the amount of time we dwell on such negativity.

So…how ya doin?

“I feel unwanted.”

It happens to the best of us. Sometimes we pause and take an inventory of our daily activity and we ask ourselves “What’s the point of all this? If I just walked away today…would anyone notice?”

The answer is YES! Someone would notice. Not only all the people who count on you but the God in Heaven Who made you.

Oh sure your job might be dull from time to time, and maybe you fill unfulfilled, but stop measuring your importance by the things of this life. You ARE wanted, so much so that Jesus bled and died to have you for His own.

 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

1 Corinthians 6:20

You were bought with Jesus’ blood (Acts 20:28). If the value of an item is measured by how much someone is willing to pay to claim it, and Jesus was willing to claim you at the cost of His own blood, what does that say about your value?

Sounds to me like you are plenty wanted!

So live this life on earth, for as long as you have it, with the reminder that you are valuable to God. You are wanted by God. And the good work you do here makes Jesus’ sacrifice for you worthwhile.


Think about it,
have a great day!