Too many times we take the approach that we can do “enough” for God. We get comfortable in our Christianity and, instead of growing to a new level of our faith, we say “eh, that’s enough.” We can give more, but instead we say “nah, that’s enough.” We could forgive more, but instead we say “nah, that’s enough.” We could attend more regularly, or sing a little louder, or love a little truer, but instead we say “nah, that’s enough.”


God has, throughout history, taken vengeance on certain people or groups who have let complacency turn into rebellion. He watched as the world fell into total depravity and finally said “enough is enough!” and brought the flood. He watched as Sodom and Gomorrah turned to unnatural affection and sinful excess and finally said “enough is enough!” and brought down fire and brimstone. He watches today, as the world moves away from so-called “outdated,” “unnecessary,” and “dangerous” Bible belief, and embraces humanism, pantheism, atheism and hedonism. He watches, patient and pleading for sinners to repent (2 Peter 3:9), but one day He will say “enough is enough.”

And then comes the judgment.

You may think a “eh, that’s enough” attitude is not the same level of ungodliness as the sinners before the flood, but the sinners of the flood did not just wake up one day and decide to rebel against God. There was a slow and steady progression, the kind that begins with faithfulness and ends with unfaithfulness.

It’s in the middle when people start saying “yea that’s enough.”