Today is our last full day in Washington D.C. We will be attending the swearing-in ceremony of our next president, Donald Trump. Whatever your feelings about him personally, politically or anything in between, he is the leader we have and we owe him our respect, just as past presidents were owed it and future ones will be too. Pray for your new leadership in D.C. That’s not the least you can do; it might just be the most important thing you can do!

Tomorrow we will enjoy a few more hours in D.C., catching up on whatever we missed, and then we’ll head back home. We’ll spend the weekend in Nashville and worship there with Lauren’s family, before heading back to Guy. Lord willing we’ll be in our own beds on Sunday evening. Pray for us that we have a safe final stretch of our trip.

I hate any time I am not able to worship with you and as I said, this Sunday will be one of those times. My friend Michael Lance will fill in for me, and I hope you will all be there to support him. Christopher Fortner will preach later that day as part of our fourth Sunday night series. Don’t forget Bible class at 10am too.

Next Sunday is COMMUNITY DAY, as I’ve been saying all week. Please make plans to help us make it a big day! Invite, invite, invite! I’ll see you on Wednesday night!