give a hootIt’s funny: This daily devotional was supposed to be about the book burning of Terry Jones. That devo became a fully-realized article (the tale grew in the telling). So consider this an addendum to that discussion.

When did it become a thing to hate learning? So many people are afraid to have their minds challenged with a new idea that they become automatically antagonistic toward reading and learning.

Pilate once famously asked Jesus “What is Truth” (John 18:38) because it was a popular philosophy in that era to deny the existence of an absolute right and wrong. And yet, two objects can not occupy the same space at the same time: A thing can not be both right AND wrong under the exact same circumstances. If we disagree either one of us is wrong or we both are. We can’t both be right.

Pride, however, refuses to let men just accept that they are wrong, so they plug their ears and shut their eyes and refuse to hear anymore for fear of having to admit that they were wrong. Don’t misunderstand, Mr. Terry Jones is absolutely right to say that the Koran is a false book filled with false statements. But he is also, in my opinion (see the article on the 2nd) 100% wrong in his actions in response to that false book.

Mr. Jones, like all of us, should not be so arrogant as to think he knows everything. We should not be afraid to read a book with an open mind. If we are right, the facts will reveal themselves to confirm it (as it does with the Bible vs. the Koran). If we are wrong, we should be humble enough to change our views to fit the facts. So many would rather mentally burn the books (by ignoring them) that might teach them differently, instead of studying them, admit that they are wrong and change.

Forget the Koran, people do that with the Bible!

Don’t read the Holy Book of God assuming you know what it says. Don’t study it with the idea “I know what I believe and the Bible agrees with me.” That’s arrogant and backwards. It causes people to shut their ears to the parts of the Bible they don’t agree with, and shut their ears to Gospel preaching that goes against their biases. Let God tell you what to believe. Study His whole counsel (Acts 20:27) and don’t be afraid to learn something.

so give a hoot; read a book! You never know what you might learn.

read a book2

look, see: learning!

don't say you can't find time to read!

don’t say you can’t find time to read!

Have a great day!