Yesterday we looked at a text from Isaiah which compared our salvation from Christ to Israel’s exodus from Egypt. In the very next verse a second comparison is made…

And there shall be an highway for the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria; like as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt.

Isaiah 11:16

Here the prophet is promising His people that He will save them from the threat of Assyria (and later Babylon) and bring them Home (not physical Jerusalem, but home to spiritual fellowship with God through Christ). He saved them and brought them home before (out of Egypt) and He promises He will do it again.

Remember that Israel wandered in the wilderness on their way to the promised land, and along the way God cared for them. Comparisons are obvious to our walk through this world on the way to our Promised Land of Heaven…

Moses led the people through the wilderness to the Promised Land
Christ leads us through the world to Heaven

God provided His people food to nourish them during their journey
God provides us spiritual manna to eat (the Bread of Life) on our journey

Those who rebelled were swallowed up and died before entering Canaan
Those who rebel against Christ will never make it to Heaven

In the end it was Joshua who entered the Promised Land and helped the people to conquer it
In the end it was Jesus (whose name is the same as Joshua, meaning “Savior”) who entered into the Most Holy Place of God and intercedes on our behalf.

Only the faithful Israelites of God entered the land of rest
Only the faithful Christians of God will enter into the eternal land of rest

As I said yesterday: Don’t say studying your Old Testament is pointless! There are countless more comparisons and types such as these just waiting to be discovered. Read for yourself and find them!