Looking at the calendar, there are a lot of things that are “almost here.”

Cooler weather is almost here.

After blistering heat for the past several weeks, our community was blessed with a day of rain and the cool(er) weather that followed. There are surely a few more hot days still to come, but it won’t be too long before the trees start turning orange and the jackets start getting zipped up. The Fall season means more than nice weather though…

Football is almost here.

Blessed, blessed football. It starts in almost two weeks. I’ve half a mind to watch “Canadian Football” I’m so desperate.

Baby Hannah is almost here.

One of our members, teachers, and faithful servants, Tara Stevenson is soon to give birth to her second child. She’s done a great job raising little Haze and we’re all excited to hold and spoil Hannah too. The delivery date is this Monday, which means she should be good to attend…

Homecoming is almost here.

One of our elder’s wives, Flo Stephens, printed up an attractive invitation for our upcoming Homecoming.

homecoming ad

It’s simple and clean and gets the point across. We’re going to feed you spiritually and then feed you physically too. I’ve been talking about this coming Sunday for months and months and finally it’s almost here. I hope you will join us!

That is, of course, if the Lord Wills it. Because for all we know…

Jesus (could be) almost here.

Our future is in His hands. I’m ready, whenever.

Are you?