Our Friends and Family / Homecoming Sunday is August 24th. It’s always a wonderful occasion and we hope and pray that this year will be our best yet!
Our church family has grown and grown and grown over the past few years. We are averaging about 100 in attendance now and–Lord willing–there’s no end in sight! Thank you for all you’ve done to invite and encourage people to visit us, and thank you for being so warm and friendly to everyone who comes our way.
Friends and Family / Homecoming day is a big event for us. This will be our third opportunity to do something like this and each of the previous occasions has exceeded expectations. Our first year’s goal was for 100 to attend; we had over 160. Last year we had a goal for 150 and saw over 200 worship with us. This year our goal is a full house. Our auditorium holds a little over 200 people, which means if all of our members (not families, but individual members) could be responsible for bringing just ONE person, we would easily have 200 people. That would match last year’s total, and with word of mouth and a little persistence we can improve it. The time is NOW to start inviting and encouraging people to come visit us. With your help we can shatter our attendance record and give ourselves and our community a real morale boost!
If you have moved away or maybe you’ve just stopped attending because distractions, problems, or just “life” has gotten in the way. Use this great opportunity to gather once more with people who love you. We want to see you! We want to worship with you and encourage you (and be encouraged by you!) and sit down and eat with you. Join us! Let this be YOUR Homecoming; I promise you won’t regret it!
I know it can be a scary thing to visit “another” church building. You’ve got your place where you’re comfortable, with people you’re used to. I get that. I know it’s awkward stepping into a new environment (for me anyway). Use this special Sunday as an opportunity to visit. If you come on Friends and Family Day you’re guaranteed to be just one of many visitors. If being the one new guy in the crowd is what has you nervous, take comfort in knowing at least HALF the people there are “new guys in the crowd!”
We want you to visit us. Why? Because we’re a loving, learning and lifting-up kind of people. We love our Lord and each other, we learn from God’s Word His will for our lives and we lift Him up in worship in an atmosphere that is positive and encouraging. Come see what all the fuss is about!
Our Friends and Family / Homecoming Sunday is August 24th. We will have Bible class at 10am, worship at 11am, and a fellowship meal to follow. After we eat, we’ll have one more short gathering for worship and then dismiss for the day. I promise you’ll not find a better way to spend half a Sunday.
Invite others to join you!
See you then!
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