I answer a lot of Bible questions. I love that people occasionally call me, email me, facebook-message me and even put anonymous questions in our Q&A box. I take those questions and answer them from the pulpit, one Sunday night per month (this Sunday night is our next Q&A…why not join us?!). The others I answer on the spot or, if needed, after a little personal study. I usually keep those questions and answers between me and the one asking, however.


Sometimes, though, a question is asked that is more than just a personal query. Sometimes there’s a question that is broad enough in scope that it really needs a public answering. So, without naming any names or going into any personal detail, here is a question I was asked recently.

“Is it okay for me as a husband to let my wife say a prayer for me? I have sinned and want forgiveness; can she lead that prayer for the both of us, or would that be an example of her usurping my authority?

Do you see why I’m sharing the question? It’s one that I’m sure has affected many people over the years.

As to the issue of usurping authority, I would remind us all that Paul was talking about taking over a leadership role in the assembly, when brethren were gathered together to worship. The issue raised in this question doesn’t seem to apply to Paul’s teaching on the woman’s role in the assembly (1 Timothy 2:11-)

That said, the first priority should be for the husband to recognize that, as a Christian, there is no sin too great that it would keep him from being able to approach his Father, on his own, to ask for forgiveness. He is worthy to pray to God by virtue of his adoption through Christ (Romans 8). So yes I don’t see why she couldn’t pray for him–even out loud along side him. Doing so does not usurp his authority, and that would be the only reason I could imagine why she shouldn’t be able to. Her praying for him may be some comfort to her husband, but he needs to be encouraged to let go of his sins by turning them over to God in prayer.

The Devil loves making us feel guilty about our sins, because that keeps us holding on to our sins. As long as we are feeling bad that we committed them, we tend not to turn them loose over to God. But every second we hold on to them, Satan holds on to us. Christians need to let go and remmeber that they can pray for forgiveness on their own.

Don’t let Satan guilt you out of praying to God.