“That’s just who I am. Deal with it.”

So says the snotty brat of a person, too immature to realize that high school was a decade (or more) ago, and that the teenage drama and sassy attitudes that define those formative years are supposed to be buried along with your “no fear” t-shirts and your “10 best songs of Vanilla Ice” mix-tape.

Just kidding about that last one; There’s no way Vanilla Ice has ten songs, much less ten “best” ones.

There’re a lot of adults out there who still act like they are in high school. They gossip about those they don’t like and form cliques with those they do. They treat the Lord’s church like a social club.

And when they are called out on their immature behavior, they reply

“That’s just who I am. Everyone’s just going to have to put up with it.”

Ask yourself: Will my attitude be the norm…in Heaven? Will I be walking around the streets of blissful forever and hear gossip and backbiting? If the things you say or the attitude you have is not going to be happening in the great beyond, it doesn’t need to be happening here.

Food for thought: Don’t wait until Judgment, before you enter Heaven, to decide to leave your bad attitude at the door.

Just leave it on the sidelines right now and be done with it.