You know what really cheeses me off? When people post spiritual/inspirational quotes on Facebook but don’t actually live spiritual or righteous lives.

I mean I’m not saying “unless you’re perfect you can’t post a Bible quote on Facebook.” Actually I’m saying something that’s almost the opposite of that. Here’s the thing: There are a lot of people out there who like the IDEA of religion but don’t actually care to do it the way God said. So they act “religious” in order to make themselves feel better about themselves while they continue to wallow and stew in their sin.

Listen to Paul attack his fellow Jews for this very thing:

For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

Romans 10:3

The Jews, Paul says, were ignorant of the righteousness of God. Alright, that’s something a lot of us can say. The problem is the Jews refused to submit to God’s righteousness when they did learn about it. Instead they went about to establish their own righteousness. They said “I don’t want to obey God, so I’ll just do things my way.”

A LOT of people do that today. They live their lives their way, but they don’t like the idea of going to Hell, but but they also don’t want to submit to God (and thus, NOT go to Hell). So what do they do? They lie to themselves. They do what they want while also posting inspirational quotes on Facebook in order to placate their guilty consciences.

All your doing with your posts is saying “look at me” being holy.  But if you’re not actually trying to obey God…if you’re content to just do things your own way anyway, then why are you posting the memes? It’s just vanity.

It’s also supremely disrespectful—a slap in the Face, really—to post about how much you need Jesus, how much you need the Bible, how much you want Jesus to take the wheel, etc, while NOT obeying Jesus when he’s RIGHT THERE to be obeyed. You want Him to take the wheel but what HE wants is for you to get on the Bus! Get on HIS bus that leads to life everlasting.

But you don’t want to do that. You want to keep driving your car, your way, going to your places, doing your things.

But you want to post the memes too.

At least Satan worshippers are honest with themselves about what team they’re on. You don’t see them posting Bible quotes in captions with angel wings and sun beams.

I wonder if Satan worshipers think they’re the only ones going to Hell…