There’s an interesting moment that takes place in Numbers 32. Israel is encamped near the promised land and the time is soon to come when the children will enter the land and conquer it as God intended.

The people of the tribe of Gad and Reuben approached Moses and stated their desire to make their home on the opposite side of the Jordan river (the side the whole nation was currently dwelling on).

Moses hears that and basically says “You mean you want to relax over here while your brethren fight and die to take the land (Numbers 32:6)?”

The people made a promise, however, basically saying “Oh no, we’ll leave our families and go and fight with our brethren. And then, we’ll come back and settle here” (Numbers 32:16-19).

Sounds like a good deal, right? Everybody wins.

Moses tells them “Well if that’s what you do that’s fine. But if you don’t…”

Well I can’t do it justice with a paraphrase. Listen to the text:

But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out.

Numbers 32:23


You can not hide from God. You may think you can, you may convince yourself you have, but in the end God sees all and reveals all. If you shun the Lord and make promises to Him but refuse to keep them, you can be sure: Your sin will find you out.