I try to go to Fuji’s at least once a month. It’s the least I can do.

When you first walk in to Fuji’s Japanese steak house in Conway you’ll hear the peaceful sound of kids fighting over who gets to pick the movie on the ride home a waterfall.

At the bottom of the waterfall is a stone basin where kids (and perhaps, adults) have dropped countless quarters and no doubt cast a wish along with.

I don’t carry change, but even if I did I wouldn’t bother tossing a coin in. Why waste a quarter? That’s like throwing away a potential gumball!

I usually try to stop by Fuji’s when I’m in town to visit someone who has been ill. At the Conway Region Hospital there is a beautiful fountain that—like at Fuji’s—is also covered in tossed-in coins, no doubt offered along with a wish by whatever concerned family member passed by it on their way to visit their loved one.

Far be it for me to tell you what to do with your loose change, and I’m certainly not going to say that tossing a quarter in a well is sinful. I think it’s just a part of our culture, the way saying “God bless you” is done when someone sneezes (we say it, even though we don’t actually believe a person’s soul is expelled when they sneeze, as the origin of the saying implied).

Having said that, if we were really needing a dose of good fortune, or “blessings” as we Christians think of it, maybe instead of throwing a quarter in a fountain we could offer a prayer to God.

Instead of tossing a nickel at the waterfall at Fuji’s, pray to the Lord in thanksgiving for the food He’s providentially provided. Instead of throwing a penny in the hospital fountain, hold the hand of the sick loved one and pray to the Heavenly Healer for His will to be done.

As I said, you can toss a coin if you want, but don’t bother making a wish.

“Prayer” is the real power.

Use it!