flag cross2I’m thankful for my American “home.”

I love this country, despite its many problems. I know this world–and thus, this nation–is not my home, but this is the land I live in while I await my Heavenly abode.

And while here I will do whatever I can to help this country be as God-fearing and spiritually-minded as possible. Though I will always be outnumbered I will not yield.

This country is great but it can always be greater. My prayers, my life, and my attitude can all help to bring this home closer to the kind of land God would have it to be.

Our nation was founded on the belief that free men should be free to worship God as they see fit. The church was founded on the fact that Jesus is the Son of God (Matthew 16:18-19) and that men are free to worship God through Him as He sees fit. I’m thankful my country lets me worship God, and I pray it always will. That’s a freedom not every nation affords its citizens.

But thank God for America, the land of the free.