Every now and then someone will come to my door and invite me to come visit “their” church. Well what is “your” church, I always wonder.

There are a lot of “churches” out there and they all teach sometimes drastically different doctrines. So I wonder, is “my” church “your” church?

Is your church the Methodist church? It’s history dates back to the preaching and teaching of one Charles Wesley, who was a priest for the Church of England. Thus the Methodist church is a denomination of the Anglican Church. It’s doctrine advocates, among other things, that man is inclined to be evil and that he can not choose to follow God without God forcing His Grace upon a person.

Is that “your” church? It may be; The Methodists are a popular group of people in the United States.

But it’s not “my” church.

I belong to a church whose history dates back to the preaching and teaching of Jesus and His Apostles. It is not a denomination or an offshoot of some man-made church. It is the Lord’s church, bought with His blood (Acts 20:28). I belong to a church that that teaches what the Bible says about man: that we are born sinless and pure and that through the temptation to sin we fall (James 1:14-15). In so falling, we require God’s Grace to be saved but whether or not we touch that Grace is not a matter of God forcing it upon us, but on whether or not we choose to obey His pattern of teaching (Romans 6:17).

That’s “my” church (though technically it belongs to Christ–Matthew 16:18).

Is it “your” church?