Because He lives…

  1. I can face tomorrow.
  2. All fear is gone.
  3. He holds the future.
  4. Life is worth living.

Now just imagine how terrible it would be, if He never rose on that magnificent Sunday morning.

  1. There would be no hope. Today would be bleak; tomorrow could only promise sorrow. All the pain I would suffer today I would know I would keep suffering tomorrow. And the next day, and the next. My tomorrow’s would be unfaceable.
  2. The Devil would have won. How terrifying a prospect, to know that the being that hates me more than anyone else, who wants my soul in hell more than anything else, won the battle for my soul and has ensured that I will suffer eternity in torment. It’s bone-chilling. It’s heartbreaking. My life would be full of fear.
  3. To combine the previous two points, my fear of how terrible hell will be when I die, would be compounded with my feelings of how terrible life is in the meantime. The future would not just be uncertain it would be certainly doomed. My future would not be in the hands of a loving and merciful God, but in the hands of a wicked God-hating tyrant.
  4. All of it adds up to saying, if He had not risen, life would not be worth living…because there’d be nothing to live for.

But He rose. He lives. And therefore…


  1. I can face tomorrow.
  2. All fear is gone.
  3. He holds the future.
  4. Life is worth living.